Yr 9 English class


Where angels fear to tread


This task is about reading to find information and make inferences.

Read ‘Where angels fear to tread‘, then answer the following questions.




How old is Ngorongoro Crater?


Ngorongoro is about two million years old.





What word does the writer use in the middle of the story to indicate that he wasn’t scared of buffalo?

But they weren’t lions, only Buffalo. 

c) What would have been a useful item to take on the walk to the lodge?
  A useful item would be a flashlight because in the text it said “ it was very dark” and it also said “there was no moon”.



d) Explain how the saying in the final line, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”, goes with the story. 

 “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” this saying goes with the story  because they are inexperienced people so they treat buffalo like sheep.


“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” refers to a person who behaves impulsively; they don’t think before reacting. The saying goes with the story because a group of people, Halina and the speaker travel to Africa before knowing very little about it e.g. dangers, animals, people.


e) What two lessons could be gained from this story?

       I. Always be careful 

       Ii. Gather information about the place you go to before you actually go 


Today we became year 9’s, for this task we had to answer questions about a story named Where angels fear to tread.


Future Aspirations

Today we had 6 special guest’s coming to our school, some of these guest s use to come to Pt England school when they were younger. one of the guests was someone who used to come to pt England school  her name was Miss Tia she came today to inspire kids like myself to follow the right pathway to success



Future Aspirations

Today we had 6 special guest’s coming to our school, some of these guest’s use to come to Pt England school when they were younger. one of the special guest’s was a rugby player who plays for the blues his name is Tanielu  tele’a he came today to talk about how school was for him when he was younger and how he’s going today .



Number of the Week